Nurse. Bestselling Author. Digital Marketer.

On a mission to help those who want more fun, joy, and abundance in life

As a digital marketer, I help people make money online without having your own products and without having to sell anything yourself.

Back Story

✨I grew up enjoying helping others in any situation not only as a nurse but as a friend and daughter.

It gave me a rush to see smiles and expressions of feeling better.

I hardly said no to requests and need.

🙁 My career, however, had a setback and felt like I got a gut punch.

As a hard worker in any endeavor I pursue, I reached a point where I felt underappreciated and undervalued despite contributions of pure heart and passion.

🫤That bothered me and over time, I burned out.

The low energy and low motivation affected other areas of my life.

😔My family saw me in a rut and that made me feel bad.

Even my finances suffered - I was wasting and burning through money because I thought buying excessive material goods to relieve the pain was the answer.

⛔️It wasn’t.

Eventually the paycheck to paycheck situation got uncomfortable and it kept me up at night.

I daydreamed about a fancy lifestyle but I felt shame and guilt for wanting more in my life.

I grew up in an immigrant household that reminded me to stick to the same routine until 65 regardless of emotion and fatigue.

🧐Was I really supposed to just suck up this crappy feeling that left me joyless and frustrated?

‼️I knew deep down that there has to be a modern way of living AND still feel fulfilled.

I tried to do things online but I fell short.

I spent a lot of money on courses that only left me more confused and frazzled.

✨Then I met a woman from watching her social media videos - her messages about lifestyle goals resonated with me.

🤩She was making a five figure income posting 7-second videos of her making coffee in her kitchen, hiking, sitting in her car and random footage with her 2 kids pointing at words on the phone screen.

🙌 She inspired me to keep my dreams alive.

Soon after meeting her, I met her mentor who “walks the talk” and teaches the proper and ethical way to go after goals.

💥The best part has been the personal transformation that has happened since making the decision to go all in with digital marketing.

✅Making my first 4-figure day proved to myself that I can do this and it especially proved my skeptical family members wrong! 😉

✅ I have extra money in my wallet (which washes away the guilt of buying shoes and healthier foods).

✅ My family and friends see me happy.

✅ I get compliments about my energy and optimism.

✅ My mindset and beliefs about money and abundance got turned right side up.

✅ I pay attention to the right people and I am more focused on my goals.

👉🏽 If you are a go-getter and want to learn how to make 2024 your year of abundance, check out the step by step strategies here.

P.S. If you are a burned out healthcare worker, I hear you. I see you. I will show you what life is like on the other side. Click on link below and learn more👇🏽



Laarni has definitely played a big part of showing me that I can do what I put my heart into!
— Tricia, mom
A true beauty inside, ready to help and good at communicating.
— Nicole, social marketer & freelancer
Laarni steps up and possesses the courage to provide help during difficult situations.
— Iris, nurse and mother

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Fun facts

Loves chocolate and plans to visit as many countries to taste what’s out there.

Went on Wheel of Fortune - was sooo close to solving the big puzzle but got “lose a turn” (whomp whomp whomp).

Danced on stage with Shaq at a business event.

Free time

Travel, volunteer, donate to charities, go to Golden State Warriors basketball games, make resumes for those who struggle creating one

Who I am

Mother, wife, daughter, cousin, niece, friend

Nurse, helper, supporter, mental health advocate

Leader, speaker, changemaker

Digital marketer, affiliate marketer, entrepreneur, bestselling author